A Mother's Love!
Posted on May 05 2019

I would like to celebrate my Mother and all the motherly figures we have in our lives. My Mom is one of the most giving people I know. As a child, I didn’t think she was any different than every other Mom I knew, but as I got older, I was surprised by how many friends told me how great my Mom is. That when we were growing up if they were not feeling so loved at home they would find love from my Mother’s nurturing way. WOW – revelation! Yes, my Mom is special and I am super blessed I still have her around and close by
A Mother’s love – so crucial for our soul. And if you don’t get it from your biological Mother know there are other sources. In fact, most of us to have multiple sources that nurture us. I have many (my kitties were the best at giving me love). So whether it’s people, pets or this beautiful planet hope you feel some Motherly Love on May 12th (and everyday)!
Something Special
Maybe you would like to gift your Mom, that special friend or yourself, something special to celebrate this day of honoring Mother’s Love.
I have beautiful scarves, jewels and jackets to choose from.
Take 15% off with code: MomLuv, valid now thru this Wednesday.
Upcoming Events
I will be doing a presentation at the Apple Store on Union Square in SF on Saturday, May 18that 5pm. I will do talking about my journey in the fashion industry, how Atelier Francesca started and doing a fashion sketching demo in ProCreate. For details and to sign up: https://www.apple.com/today/event/art-lab-fran-farmer-051819/6525108160637075913
I, along with 40 other female vendors, will be at A Night to Sparkle, fundraising pop up in Novato CA on Sat, June 1st. Sparkle does incredible things supporting Women and Children throughout the greater Bay Area. These women are AWESOME and it is going to be a really fun day. For details and to sign up: https://www.sparklenow.org/the-night-to-sparkle-2019
ATB, Francesca